Day 21, Atlantic Crossing

1230Z 07JAN19, Day 21, Atlantic Crossing. We've completed 3 weeks at sea! The end is in sight and is expected to be just shy of 22 days. Zephyros put up a good effort yesterday but we probably need another hour or two of daylight. The winds were 10-15kts (not the predicted 15-20kts) during the day and 15-20kts through the night. We had some good hours and some slow hours. It was beautiful asymmetric sailing on a warm sunny day and the seas settled a lot so nothing to complain about. We hung with the asymmetric overnight to see what we could get - we succeeded in making a pretty straight course and good average speeds.

Current Position: 14 26.2N 059 49.5W
24 hour progress: 149nm, 6.1kts avg SOG, 2946nm total progress, approximately 66nm to go.

We will kill time to aim for an early morning arrival on Tuesday unless the wind really kicks in soon. We did what we could and had lovely conditions in the past 24 hours.

Not much is getting done on Zephyros any more as we all get excited about landfall. Everyone is looking forward to a restful night's sleep. The boys have not been sleeping well - like Christmas morning anticipation. The champagne is chilled and the phones are ready to start seeking out cell towers. Almost back to a world bigger than a 47ft boat with 2 adults, 2 kids and 2 cats...

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